Age, weight, and gender

16 important questions on Age, weight, and gender

What are characteristics of drug absorption in perspective of age, gender and weight?

- No dramatical changes in age.
- There is a higher stomach pH in neonates and in the elderly
- However, no great changes in absorption.

What are characteristics of drug distribution in perspective of age, gender and weight?

- volume of distribution is dependent of the body composition
- The volume of distribution (L/kg) is fairly constant except in newborn (because of more extracellular water) and in obese (because lipophillic drugs distribute into fatty tissue)

How does the percentage of extracellular water change in age?

In a typical patient the intracellular body water is around 40% of body weight.
The extracellular is highly age-dependent:
newborn: 45%
children 2 years: 30%
children 4 years: 20%
adults : 15%
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What are characteristics of elderly patients in perspective to the drug distribution?

- body fat is increased with 20-40%
- body water is decreased with 10-15%
So, there is an increase of serum concentration of water soluble drugs, there is an decrease of serum concentration of fat soluble drugs and there is an increase of half life of fat soluble drugs.

What are characteristics of drug metabolism with respect to age, weight and gender?

- The greatest changes are during early childhood
- There is a gradually decline from the age of 30-50
- It is related to the maturation (early childhood) of liver and gradual decline of cardiac output (> 40 years of age)
- It is influenced by hepatic disease.

How is the drug metabolism by CYP3A enzymes during life?

As a fetus most of the metabolism is done by cyp3A7. As a newborn this increases rapidly. after 7 days this increases rapidly until almost no activity. Around the same time (7 days) the activity of cyp3A7 also increases. Around 1 year the activity is the highest of cyp3A4, the decreases slowly in an adult.

How is the midazolam clearance by Cyp3A4?

It increases slowly and then a little bit more rapid and after 15 years it decreases slowly.

How is the renal function after birth?

There is rapid change in kidney function during the first week after birth. In a neonate (1day) the creatinine is high but this is because of the creatinine of the mother. The urine flow increases also during that first week.

What is the normal creatinine clearance at the age of 20?

It is 120 ml/min/1.73m2

What kind of functions decrease from the young adults phase on?

- glomerular filtration rate
- cardial index
- vital capacity
- renal plasma flow
- maximal inhalation capacity

How is the renal function in children < 6 months?

- They have an underdeveloped kidney function; It can be much lower than for children > 6 months.
- They have also an underdeveloped liver function
- Note: drugs can also be administered via breast milk.

What is allometric scaling?

- It is a way to extrapolate pharmacokinetics and doses between species and between patients of different sizes.
- It is traditionally use to translate an animal dose to an human dose.

What are features of allometric scaling?

- approximations only!
- As a result is the half life in children shorter than in adults.  Therefore the dosing interval must become shorter/ more frequent dosing.

How is the drug clearance in children?

- This is expressed per kg. less variable but unsuitable for children.
- Therefore it is better to do it per m2 body surface (BSA body surface area)
- The BSA of an adult is around 1.8m2 and an adolescent has a BSA of around 1.73m2.

What are differences between children and adults about the dosage?

The dosage in mg is smaller in children compared to adults
The dosage in mg/kg is larger in children compared to adults.

How is the drug clearance in adults?

- It is based on the GFR (Glomerular filtration rate)
- For young adults the GFR is around 120 ml/min
- For standard patient 60 year it is around 80 ml/min

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