
13 important questions on Nonlinearities

What are other possibilities of non-linear pharmacokinetics?

- increased proportional AUC when a higher dose is given. (e.g. ethanol, phenytoin)
- Shortened infusion results in an increased AUC: e.g. fluorouracil, taxol or cisplatin.
- saturable absorption in GI tract results in a decreased proportional AUC at higher doses. (e.g. methotrexate)
- Saturable plasma protein binding results in a decreased proportional AUC at higher doses. e.g. valproic acid.   
- Saturable active secretion in the kidney results in an increased proportional AUC at higher doses. e.g. penicillins
- Saturable reabsorption in the kidney results in a decreased proportional AUC at higher doses. e.g. cisplatin.

What is the value of Vm?

This is the maximal rate. If V is half maximal then Km can be picked from the graph. So Km is Vm divided by 2.

What is a result of the enzyme activity characterized by the michaelis menten kinetics?

The plasma concentration is not proportional to the dose. The clearance is also not constant (It is concentration-dependant)
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What is the case if the concentration is much lower than the Km?

Then the rate of metabolims is proportional to the (unbound) drug concentration and you will get linear kinetics.
There will be an proportionality constant = intrinsic clearance = Vmax/Km.

Most drugs are at therapeutic concentrations in these conditions..

What is the case if the concentration is much higher than Km?

Then the rate of metabolism will not be proportional to the (unbound) drug concentration
The rate of metabolism approaches (asymptomatically) Vmax (nonlinear kinetics or saturation kinetics)
e.g.: phenytoin, ethanol, salicylate (at high concentrations), and many drugs at toxic concentrations.

What is the difference between administering the drug between meals and during or after a meal?

- between meals: The absorption may be faster and/or more complete in the absences of food. It is just a normal absorption.
- During or after a meal: This can be done to avoid gastro-intenstinal side-effets or to improve the absorption by administration with a fat meal, but the absorption can also be lower.

Sometimes you have to take a drug before the meal because of a risk of vomiting. HIV-drugs have a very narrow therapeutic range. The effect on food is very important. It can care 50% difference in absorption.

What is the right to time to take hypnotics or diuretics?

hypnotics: before sleep
diuretics: in the morning

What is a charateristic of carbamazepine with respect to the chronopharmacokinetics?

It is metabolised by Cyp3A4.

What kind of drugs can induce renal function loss?

aminoglycoside antibiotics and ciclosporine (immunosuppresivum)

So what kind of influence does the circadian rhythm have in pharmacokinetics?

- absorption
- distribution: like plasma protein binding
- metabolism: enzyme activity (e.g. CYP 450 isoenzymes
- excretion: GFR

What is the mycophenolic acid circadian rhythm in PK?

- It is used in combination with tacrolimus for immunosuppressive treatment in kidney transplant recipients
- The dose is about 1000 mg every 12 hours
- The plasma concentration is monitored over 24 hours
- The AUC is related to efficacy and side effects: A too low AUC may lead to an acute rejection.   
- There is a difference in time of absorption between patients.

What is the difference between linearities and nonlinearities?

linearities are dose-independent and nonlinearities are dose-dependent. non-linearity is a change in one or more pharmacokinetic parameters with size of dose administered or dosing rate.

What are examples of saturability?

- saturable metabolism: This can be explained with the michaelis-menten kinetics. The lower the value of km, the greater the affinity. drug concentrations below the km, show linear connection. Drug concentrations above the km approach the vmax. At this moment nonlinearity is shown.
- saturable (active) transport
- saturable binding to plasma proteins. 
- saturable solubility. 
- saturable first pass metabolism

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