Introduction & morphology

6 important questions on Introduction & morphology

How to trace axons?

Efferent axons are traced by an anterograde labeling method, chemicals are taken up by cell bodies and transported through the axons. Afferent axons are treaced by a retrograde labeling method, where chemicals are taken back through the axons to the cell body

How can you study the struture of the living human brain?

Computerized tomography (CT) scans by using X-rays it measures the amount of radioactivity (blood absorbs more radiation).
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) where it uses magnetic field rays, different molecules emit different waves. Also uses water molecules to describe location.
Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) looks at the movement of water molecules.

How do you record the neural activity

By putting microelectrodes in the neurons that cause action potentials. Those action potentials can be recorded. This can be single unit or a whole brain region (electrocephalograms).
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How to measure metabolic activity?

By injecting glucose (2-deoxyglucose) into the animals bloodstream, the active cells take up the glucose. So afterwards this activity can be found back in a darkroom for autoradiography.

Can metabolic activity be done in humans?

Yes, by a functional imaging scan. Where humans get injected by a radioactive chemical that breaks down very quickly. This emitted particles can be detected by sensors. Also functional MRI scan can be used, where it detects the brain activity due to different levels of oxygen (BOLD)

What are different kinds of genetic methods?

Twin studies: MZ and DZ twins are compared in concordance rate
Adaption studies: compare behaviour with genes of biological and adoptive parents.
Genomic studies: determine where the genome of the DNA is stored
Target mutation: produce mutated genes in the lab and make a knockout
Antisense aligonucleotides: inject DNA or RNA that binds with mRNA so that a protein can not be made

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