Memory and learning

9 important questions on Memory and learning

What is learning, memory and memory recall

Learning is the process of gathering information. Memory is the info stored in the brain and memory recall is the representation of the stored memory.

Why do patients with amnesia provide info on memory?

Because certain parts of their brain does not function normally. To see which part of the brain is associated to which learning (or in this case loss of learning) you can connect those two.

Who is H.M.

HM had severe epilepsy and was willing to do everything to get the seizures away. Therefore they removed 2/3 of his hippocampus, amygdala and ethorhinal cortex. His cognitive functions stayed in tact, but he forgot everything anterograde and could not make new memories. Though he was good at the mirror tracking task (so motor behaviour was intact).
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What is the difference between pure type of amnesia and global type of amnesia?

With a pure type of amnesia it forgets only certain specific situations. With a global type of amnesia the whole history is forgotten.

What are the two types (and subtypes) of long term memory?

- episodic: events > storage in cortex, right frontal and temporal regions
- semantic: facts > storage in cortex and temporal lobes
Non declarative:
- skill learning: precedal memory > stored in basal canglia, motor cortex and cerebellum.
- priming: either perceptual (reduced act. in occipital lobe) or coneptual (reduced act. in frontal cortex)
- associative learning/conditioning: either simple (cerebral circuit) or complex (hippocampus and cortex).
- non associative learning: habituation, dishabituation and sensitisation

What are different types of short term memory

iconic memory: very shory
working memory: somewhat longer
short term memory: can eventually become long term

Explain primacy and recency effects with STM?

recency is more effective on working memory, because you forget the first one. Primacy with short term memory. In patients with amnesia the primacy does not work because they forget the first.

What are the four aspects of the memory system?

Encoding: snesory info is encoded into STM
Consildation: info may be consildated into LTM
Retreival: stored info is retreived
Reconsolidation: retreived info in put in storage again

Is a memory permanent?

A memory is permanent but can be overwrited. A safe memory is build over a fear memory.

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