Anatomic function

14 important questions on Anatomic function

Explain: the sensory pathway and motor pathway

Information travel into our brain from the outer world via the spinal cord and cranial nerves via the sensory neurons (afferent). This is the sensory pathway. In the brain there is integration and association of this information. The info is combined to give an output via motor neurons (efferent). This is the motor pathway

Which three nervous systems are there and of what do they excist?

Central nervous system: brain and spinal cord
Somatic nervous system: spinal and cranial nerves
Automatic nervous system: sympathic and parasymathic devision

Why are reflexed part of the voluntairy (somatic) nervous system?

Because spinal an cranial nerves are involved.
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What is another name for the automatic nervous system and why?

Involuntairy nervous system, because we have no control. It balances the internal organs in the rest and digest (parasympathic) and fight or flight in the sympathic division.

Explain: Rostral/anterior to caudal/posterior

From the eyes to the tail

Why is our neuraxis bended?

Because we decided to walk straight.

Name the three different section to cut:

Coronal, horizontal, sagital

Why is the neural tube hallow?

Because the cells lie in a line which than bends until a round hole is formed. In there the fluid can stream.

What is the purpose of the ventricles

Reduce shocks because of the cerebrospinal fluid.

In which lobes is the telecephalon divided ?

frontal: motor functions, planning and reasoning > the primary motor cortex
parietal: body senses > the primary somatosensory cortex
temporal: auditory functions > primary auditory cortex
occipital: visual functions > primary visual cortex

What is the corpus collosum and where is it found?

In the telecephalon, it are bundles of axons, white matter connecting the two hemispheres.

What is the limbic system and where is it found?

In the telecephalon. consists of different nuceli and their fibre tracks for emotion and memory.
- amygdala: role of emotion and fear
- hippocampus: role is memory
- cingulate cortex: part of cerebral cortex
- fornix: white matter, axonal bundles
- mammillary body: base of telecephalon.

Of what consists the midbrain (mesencephalon)

Tectum and tegmentum. The tectum are four little bums, two superior colliculi (for the connection between visual input to a reflex) and two inferior colliculi (for the connection of auditory input to auditory related behaviour). The tegmentum is important for initiating movement

What is the spinal cord?

The spinal cord gets info that does not need to go to our brain, like reflexes. It has its gray matter on the inside and white matter on the outside and is protected by your bones.

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