Cognition in rodents

11 important questions on Cognition in rodents

Why are most of the time rodents or primates used in research?

Rodents have highly similar genes, like primates have too. There are two things you can investigate: change a gene and look at the phenotype or look at the phenotype and search for the underlying gene. Both of these ways can be generalised to humans.

Explain the development of a drug or protein.

First you need to understand the etiology of the disease (oorzaken). Then many compounds are tested for the drug discovery. Only a few of them go into preclinical trials. This takes around 3-6 years. Then the compounds are assest on safety and toxicity, whereafter they are tested in clinical trials. Those take 3 phases and 6-7 years. The last steps is a FDA review and LG scale MFG which takes around 0.5-2 years.

Name the three R's of the ethical framework

Replacement: can te primate replace humans
Reduction: the use of as less animals as needed, or do more tests on one animal > produces low statistical power.
Refinement: makes it pleasant for the animal. This makes trustworthy outcomes.
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What are the three types of validity?

Face validity: an appropriate animal model of a human disease should show strong phenomeological similairties to the human model of the disease.
Predictive validity: animal predicts the way the compound will effect humans
Construct validity: the same biological processes are involved, you can test this with neurochemistry, anatomy, molecular pathways and genes

How to study a gene function

1. make a knockout: a genetically modified mouse
2. the foreign DNA (tested DNA) is placed in the ES cells of a brown mouse and is mixed with an embryo of a black mouse to produce offsprings
3. a GM mouse is born and its cognitive abilities are tested: through primary (observation), secondary (motor and sensory functions) and tertiary (specific behaviour) screening.
4. when they know which gene is affected they will test its learning and memory

What is the Barnes Maze and what does it test?

It tests the spatial reference memory. The allocentric orientation is tested > based on external cues. They learn were to hide, spacial map is created in the hippocampus.

What is egocentric orientation?

The opposite of allocentric orientation, where the orientation is based on internal cues. Like smelling the food.

What is the novel object recogntion test?

It tests the recognition memory, where first they explore the space, then they see objects, see that it has moved and see that it has changed.

How to study executive functions like attention?

By operant conditioning box. Positive behaviour will be rewarded > positive reinforcement. And negative behaviour will be punished > negative reinforcement. In mice there are three kind of reactions: correct, incorrect and omission (when the mouse does not do anything).

What is impuslive action, impulsive choice and impulsive decision making?

Impulsive action is caused by motor impulsivity, a lack of response inhibition.
Impulsive choice: tasks of delay aversion
Impulsive decision making: reward time vs. what you get.

Name some examples of cognitive tests

the wisconsin card sorting task for cognitive flexibility and the openfield test with computer auditing

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