Remote sensing pre-processing

12 important questions on Remote sensing pre-processing

Which factors influence RS image acquisition?

- Sensor charasteristics
- Atmosphere, wheather
- Earth surface (geometry)
- Acquisition method; satellite or aiirborne

What is the remote sensing processing chain?

- Acquisition
- Preprocessing
- Image analysis
- Variables/products
- application

What is the spectral preprocessing chain?

Field reflectance - 'true'upwelling spectral radiance at TOA - radiometric calibration - calaibrated radiance at sensor - atmospheric correction - ground refleciton
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What is sensor calibration before launch?

- From DN to physical units
- Pre-launch calibration
- Correctoin factors for all channels: (offset and gain)

What types of sensor calibration after launch are there?

- On-board calibration
- Vicarious calibration

What is on-board calibration?

Internal lamps and reference panels

What is vicarious calibration?

- Very accurate ground measurements
- Large homogeneous ground units
- Compare ground and satellite radiance

What can cause scene illumination?

- Sun elevation correction
- Earth-sun distance correction
- Standard procedures for correction

What are the two main processes of atmospheric correction?

- Scattering: reflector
- Absorption: energy reduction

What are the two main approaches of atmospheric correction?

- Simple methods: oftes statistical
- Complex radiative transfer based methods

What can be sources of geometric distortions of images?

- Curvature of the earth
- Earth rotation under the sensor while image is acquired
- Panoramic distortion due to the field of view of the sensor
- Topography of the terrain

What are systematic distortions?

Mostly (automatic) corrected before image is delivered by ground station

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