Four Key Capabilities for Superior Journeys

5 important questions on Four Key Capabilities for Superior Journeys

What is a sticky journey?

The 4 capabilities each make the customer journey more sticky - capturing customers permanently.

What does the step Proactive Personalisation entail?

Using the information of customers to customise a shopper's experience in that moment by analysing the behaviour.

What does the step Contextual Interaction entail?

Using the information you have on where a customer is in the journey to lure him/her into the next steps - interactions.
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What does the step Journey Innovation entail?

Experimentation and analysis of customer needs, technologies and services to find opportunities to extend the relationship with your customer. Ultimate goal: identify new sources of value for company and consumers.

How is Journey Innovation often obtained? (keeping in mind that Journey Innovation does not only see to the improvement of the journey but also expanding it)

The integration with other providers that offer services that will increase the value of the journey.

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