Changing the world

13 important questions on Changing the world

What is the job of the atmosphere?

it allows us to breathe, grow plants, keeps the earth warm, protects us from harmful radication, brings water to the land by rain

What is the job of ozone?

stop harmful ultraviolet radiation from reaching the earth

What is the ozone hole?

it is the thin patch of ozone over Antartica
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What does CFC stand for?

Chlorine, Fluor, Carbon

When was CFC invented and when was it forbidden?

it was invented in 1920 and forbidden 50 years later

What is causing acid rain?

when burning fossil fuels acid gasses escape into the atmosphere. it dissolves into rainwater and makes acid rain

Why is acid rain dangerous?

because it harms trees, buildings and life in rivers and lakes

It what 3 ways can you deal with acid rain?

1. take sulfure out of the fuels before burning
2. neutralise acidic gasses before they escape
3. neutralise the soil and lakes that are already damaged

Why did the amount of carbon diozide stay about the same throughout human history?

because plants take it, and put it back when respire

Why is burning coal, oil and gas dangerous?

because it brings more carbon dioxide in the air than plants can use up.

Explain how carbon diozide is like a greenhouse

it lets light from the sun in, but doesn't let the heat from the earth escape.

What is global warming?

when there is more carbon dioxide, the earth gets warmer. this proces is called global warming

Name 2 ways to decrease the earth's temperature

1. use mirrors to reflect the heat]
2. add chemicls into the air that form clouds to keep out the sun

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