Neural Correlate of Consciousness (hannes)
16 important questions on Neural Correlate of Consciousness (hannes)
What is the difference between Hard problems and easy problems from Chalmers?
Easy problems are (still very difficult) but we are sort of able to see the solution for.
Hard problems are linked to experience and qualia, which is not possible to explore in other persons. (does your yellow look the same as my yellow (phenomenal experience)
How do the hard problems relate to the filisophical zombie?
To what extent are these philosophical issues (zombie) supported by experimental evidence (what cognitive processes can be carried out ‘in the dark’)?
• Visual selection, discrimination
• Memory formation (priming)
• Deductive reasoning (Bechera & Damasio)
• Error monitoring (ERN)
• Cognitive control
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How does the Mary the super color scientist and the inverted spectrum experiment support the explanatory gap problem?
Both experiments show that you even know something, this doenst show the experience
Mary: even with all knowledge of colours, you dont know if you've had the experience of blue, or that if you really see it as first, you get the first experience
Inverted: How are we ever aware that our experience is different when we use the same name of colours for different experiences.
What solutions to the hard problem have been proposed?
Explain easy problems, and claim you have solved the phenomenal aspects as well (notpossible)
Eliminative materialism --> deny the phenomenon. If we know everything about hte process we would know that the experience does not exist and you can explain everything.
Neu-dualism, take experience as fundamental
The cognitive neuroscinece approach: find the neural correlate of consciousness and worry about philosophy later.
What is the neodualistic approach that
Chalmers suggested?
(the core idea is that any information processing
automatically goes along with conscious experience)
What is the difference between the
philosophical approach and cognitive Neuroscience approach to consciousness?
When do we consider a piece of the brain part of the NCC, and when not?
What does binocular rivalry show
The dominant image gets more strongly processed (NCC?)
This indicates that in this experiment the early visual areas do show modulation between seeing hte one or the other percept.
Why are these phenomena
(Binocular Rivalry
(BR), Motion Induced Blindness(MIB), or Rotating Sphere(RS))attractive in the search for NCC?
What does the electrical stimulation experiment from libet show?
It takes 500 ms for consciousness to develop from the start of cortical activation
Implication --> Consciousness plays no role in most of our daily reactions on sensory events (epiphenomenalsim)
What does the dischoptic masking experiment show?
Both oppiste stimulation (different colors) and same stimulation (same colors) reach the ppa, (even tho different is not perceived)
BUT: same stimulation has biggers strength in activating V4 (ffa, ppa)
SO: strength of activation --> conscious NCC?
What were the basic findings of the dichoptic fusion experiment using textured faces:
similar activation of FFA for both visibleand invisible faces, yet stronger delayed activity,
-more synchronous oscillations,
AND: stronger recurrent interactions between visual areas and FFA for visible vs invisible faces.
conclusion: only as soon as you get recurrent interactions, you have a conscious percept of that face.
What types of activity seems to correlate with NCC
- conscious = stronger activation that can pass a threshold
- synchrony and oscillations
- feedforward vs recurrent processing
What is the difference between partial split brain patients vs complete split brain?
Split: can report that they saw something, but not what, can sort of explain it
Complete: report they saw nothing (still v1 active tho)
What are the main findings in split-brain patients?
Can still do much
- Drawing -Selecting, Pointing -Matching objects to words -Other simple semantics -Recognizing family -Recognizing famous people -Emotional responses
The question on the page originate from the summary of the following study material:
- A unique study and practice tool
- Never study anything twice again
- Get the grades you hope for
- 100% sure, 100% understanding