Neuroscience and the correlates of consciousness - conscious vision

7 important questions on Neuroscience and the correlates of consciousness - conscious vision

What is the framework for the consciousness hypothesis?

Unconscious homunculus(man)  that observes the sensory areas. Within that area, there are coalitions of neurons that are formed on experiencing competing for attention.

What is a conscious vision in the eyes of the framework for the consciousness hypothesis?

Series of snapshots with motion slowly being painted on.

What is the bridge locus concept?

There are parts in the brain that are a locatable bridge to the inner and outer world. The modern version of Descartes (Pineal gland)
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What is the matching content doctrine?

The first uncover the neural representational system task of the neuroscience of consciousness is to the content should then systematically match the contents of consciousness.

What did the fmri studies find about binocular rivalry?

In the occipital temporal through the ventral pathway and some areas of the fusiform gyrus and the frontal cortex seemed to activate and correlate with the image.

Flipping of the image the parietal and frontal cortex were active during the flipping of the image are more correlated to the central images of the brain.

What is reciprocal inhibition?

When encoding two images the dominant image inhibits the suppressed image and eventually, the neurons become habituated so that the suppressed image then becomes dominant. This supports the adaption reciprocal inhibition theory.

What are the functional hierarchies of unconscious processing in regards to binocular rivalry?

Binocular rivalry is at the lowest level. Neural activity correlates with perception.

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