Theatre of the mind

8 important questions on Theatre of the mind

What is cartesian theatre?

It is the thought that there is a place where conscious ideas images and feelings can be seen in a "theatre" in the mind. Materialists believe that there is a place in the brain where consciousness takes place therefore they are known as cartesian materialists.

What are the theories of consciousness according to enactivistic and sensorimotor theories?

We engage in acts of sensory and imagery that are due to interaction with the environment.

what is Baar's Global Workspace theory?

It allows us to see the consciousness as a spotlight that appears in order to bring attention to the stimulus. Spotlight is a product of attention. The backstage is considered unconscious. The stage itself is the working memory.
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What is the neuronal global workspace theory?

Collection of unconscious processes competes for the global workspace. Workspace has limited capacity, and the workspace is responsible for sending information around.

Consciousness according to reductionist theory?

Nothing but a collection of neurons

What happens during cross-brain integration?

Consciousness is split into hard and soft consciousness.

1. Hard consciousness -  the ability to assess multiple sensory inputs on the basis of quality, meaning, and content.

2. Soft consciousness -  projection of sensory input onto external map.

What is the incompatible explanatory level?

The familiar classical level used to describe a large object
Quantum level is used to describe small things. ( two things can exist at the same time). Within the quantum level, there is quantum brain theory and orchestrated objective reduction.

What is the multiple draft theory?

Run parallel on a multi-track that interprets and elaborates sensory input.

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