Evolution (249 - 274) - General understanding of evolution +influence

4 important questions on Evolution (249 - 274) - General understanding of evolution +influence

What is the theory behind directed evolution?

Lamarck believed there was an inheritance of built skill. Evolution was directional and progressive.

What was Darwin's theory of evolution?

The animal had a share will to survive and managed to adapt to the environment in order to survive. It was pure happenstance and not as directional as Lamarck's theory on evolution.

How was Lamarck's theory on evolution refuted?

The germline ( sex cells that get passed on) is not influenced by the soma (dead body). What happens to the body does have an effect on the passing on of the germline however, it does not change the cells.
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What are the views on genetic influence today?

The phenotype has no direct influence on the genotype
(construction of the genetic information).

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