Biotic effects of habitat fragmentation - Community- level effects of fragmentation - Edge effects

5 important questions on Biotic effects of habitat fragmentation - Community- level effects of fragmentation - Edge effects

Why is an edge that is proportionally bigger than and on everage closer to any point in the habitat a significant problem?

  1. Altered climate
  2. Increased incidence of environmental catastrophes
  3. Increased incursion of predators and competitors
  4. Increased chance of passive emigration from the habitat

Why is it that if the edge of a habitat is propotionally bigger and closer to any point in the habitat, the climate in the whole area can change?

Because compared to the original habitat there is less of a "buffer zone" to protect the middle part of the area against for example strong sunlight or a highened humidity. And because of these features from outside of the fragment the whole species community at the edge can change which has a significant effect on the species community in the middel of the fragment.

Why is it that if the edge of a habitat is propotionally bigger and closer to any point in the habitat, an increased incidence of environmental catasrophes takes place?

Because the area is adjacent to a more outside area in comparison to before, and because the climate in the edge is changed, chances increase that the area will be exposed to environmental hazzards like forest fires and strong winds.
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Why is it that if the edge of a habitat is propotionally bigger and closer to any point in the habitat, an increased incursion of predators and compatitors takes place?

Because species that cannot live permanently in the habitat but can forage within it, have a better accessability to a larger area and thus may become serious competitors to the resident species.

Why is it that if the edge of a habitat is propotionally bigger and closer to any point in the habitat, an increased the chance of passive emigration from the habitat?

Many species are constantly on the move, and because the edge is on everage larger and closer the chance enhances that a group of induviduals accidentally move out of their habitat. Not all species and seeds are able to move back and perish in a hostile environment

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