Individual decision-making

9 important questions on Individual decision-making

What are the five stages of decision-making?

  1. Problem recognition – when we realize we must take – consumers survey their environment for appropriate data to make a reasonable decision 
  2. Information search
  3. Evaluation of alternatives – where the product alternatives are considered 
  4. Product choice – against non-compensatory or compensatory decision rules 
  5. Outcomes – does the consumer experience satisfy consumers needs and wants?

What are three relevant aspects in the evaluation of alternatives during decision-making?

  • Evoked set of alternatives
  • Consideration sets are likely to share similar features > Product categorization!
  • Top-of-mind-awareness, brand awareness

What is the rational perspective of consumer decision-making?

  • Information (i.e., beliefs about product attributes)
  • Weighing the pluses and minuses of each alternative (i.e., weighted multi attribute attitude model)
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What is the non-rational perspective of consumer decision-making?

  • Low involvement decisions - behavioural influence perspective (eg.: impulse buying)
  • High involvement decisions - experiential perspective (affective respons to product)

What are the three type of consumer decision-making?

Routine response behaviour => limited problem-solving => extensive problem-solving

What are the aspects of habitual decision-making?

Motivation: low involvement, little time, low consumer effort, familiar products, well known brands, low cost products, FMCG

Information search: None! Thoughtless activity, automaticity,
Alternative evaluation: None!
Purchase: routine, repeated buying, repetitive behaviour, frequent purchasing

What are the aspects of limited decision-making?

Motivation: low risk, low involvement, FMCG

Information search: little search, in store decision making, limited time and effort
Alternative evaluation: alternatives basically similar, non compensatory decision making • First buy, then evaluate! • Heuristics, simple decision rules, non compensatory decision rules

Purchase: impulse buying, variety seeking, choice influenced by mood, hedonism, store displays, self service

What are the aspects of extended problem solving?

Motivation: High risk & involvement (unfamiliar, risky, unique, expensive), central to self concept

Information search: extensive, processed actively, multiple sources
Alternative evaluation: many criteria used, significant differences between the alternatives • Compensatory decision strategy = weighted additive decision rule • Weakness of one attribute can be compensated by another

Purchase: many outlets visited, communication with personnel

What is a compensatory decision strategy ?

In these strategies, consumers allow a higher value of one attribute to compensate for a lesser value of another attribute. For example, if a consumer is looking at automobiles, a high value in gas mileage might compensate for a lower value in seating space.


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