A consumer society - A branded world

3 important questions on A consumer society - A branded world

Why can brand-communities arise? (5 reasons)

  1. Social identity
  2. Social networking
  3. Engagement
  4. Impression management (to others)
  5. Brand use = learn

What is the experience economy?

Increasing (historical shift: service => experience) through differentiating the experience

What are the 6 features of postmodernism?

  1. Fragmentation (products => specialized variations)
  2. De-differentiation (coca cola museum)
  3. Hyperreality (Disneyworld)
  4. Chronology; nostalgia.(retro brand)
  5. Pastiche. (non-novel book => novel book, vb: marketing novel)
  6. Anti-campaign campaign

Keywords: pluralism (existence of various truths, styles and fashions) and combining personal expression

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