A consumer society - Global consumer culture

8 important questions on A consumer society - Global consumer culture

What are brands when talking about global consumer culture?

Brands are signs of a global ideology of cultural (&commercial!) value & power.

What are the 4 typical European consumer styles?

  1. Price-sensitive consumer
  2. Variety seeker
  3. Brand-loyal consumer
  4. Information seeker

What is an etic perspective vs. emic perspective?

Etic: Outsiders: focuses on commonalities across cultures
Emic: Insiders: explains cultural categories and experiences of the insiders
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What are 4 ways of evaluating (forming idea of) global brands?

  1. Global citizens:  Global success => signal of quality & innovation. Concern of companies behaving responsibly.
  2. Global dreamers: global brands => quality products.
  3. Antiglobals; skeptical & no trust.
  4. Global agnostics; same criteria as local brands.

What is a transitional economy?

An economy which is changing from a centrally planned economy to a market economy

What are the 3 coping strategies to transitional economy?

  1. Shut out modern consumer lifestyle
  2. Embrace dreams
  3. Shattered identities: traditional and consumer identity

What are the four consequences of transition to capitalism?

  1. Loss of confidence and pride
  2. Alienation
  3. Frustration
  4. Increased stress

What are four different types of global food consumptions?

  1. Global food culture (fast food, pizza, instant coffee, etc)
  2. Expatriate food (authentic meals from other cultures)
  3. Nostalgia food (local authenticity)
  4. Creolization (blending traditions into new ones)

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