Shopping, Buying and evaluating - Servicescapes: retailing as theatre

8 important questions on Shopping, Buying and evaluating - Servicescapes: retailing as theatre

What combination should today's shopping centre's and individual shops make to gain loyalty?

Combination between stimulating & shopping + entertainment (social motives)

What is retail theming?

Stores that are going all-out to create imaginative environments or provide other kinds of stimulation

What are the four kinds of theming techniques?

  1. Landscape: nature
  2. Marketspace: man-made places
  3. Cyberspace: information & communications technology
  4. Mindscape: abstract ideas & concepts
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What four aspects that a store image is composed of?

  1. Design & general image
  2. Location
  3. Merchandise suitability
  4. Knowledge & congeniality of staff

And store gestalt = global evaluation of store

Which two things can be done to influence in-store decision-making?

  1. Encourage to spend all mental budgets
  2. Mobile shopping apps & contact of assistent at the same time

What are two processes of spontaneous buying?

  1. Unplanned buying and
  2. being reminded: recognition of needs

What are three kinds of planning shoppers?

  1. Planners
  2. Partial planners: know products, not brands
  3. Impulse purchasers

What is the role of the salesperson?

  • Commercial friendship
  • Identity negotiation
  • (incidental) similarity

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