Motivation, value and lifestyles

7 important questions on Motivation, value and lifestyles

How does culture drive consumer motivations?

  • Each culture is characterized by a set of core values to which many of its members adhere.
  • Underlying values often drive consumer motivations.

How do products help individuals to live a culture?

Products help the person to achieve goals that are linked to values, such as individuality or freedom.

What are the motivational domains of the Schwartz value survey?

  1. Openness to change vs. Conservation
  2. Self-enhancement vs. Self-transcendence

    Self-enhancement is a type of motivation that works to make people feel good about themselves and to maintain self-esteem.

    is a personality trait associated with experiencing spiritual ideas[1] such as considering oneself an integral part of the universe.
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What are eight types of consumer values?

  1. Efficiency – referring to all products aimed at providing various kinds of convenience for the consumer
  2. Excellence – addressing situations where the experience of quality is the prime motivation
  3. Status – where the consumer pursues success and engages in impression management and conspicuous consumption
  4. Self-esteem – situations where the satisfaction of possessing is in focus
  5. Play – having fun in consuming
  6. Aesthetics – searching for beauty in one’s consumption
  7. Ethics – morally and politically correct consumption choice
  8. Spirituality – magical transformation or sacredness of consumption

How can materialism lead to more consumption?

Materialism may be considered a more general value underlying other consumer values, thus reassuring us that an obvious way of realizing one’s values is through consumption.

What is a lifestyle?

Lifestyle refers to the ways consumers spend time and money and how their consumption choices reflect their values and tastes.

Why is lifestyle research key to marketing strategies?

Lifestyle research is useful to track societal consumption preferences and to position specific products and services to different segments.

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