Persuasion - How low involvement advertising works

6 important questions on Persuasion - How low involvement advertising works

When is the passive audience theory applicable to consumers?

When they are not involved in the advertised brand. 

Why is it good that consumers are most of the time not paying attention to advertising?

When we are not involved, we are uninterested and then all of our defenses are down, we do not counterargue. When the ad is repeated several times, a lot of information in the ad eventually succeeds in lodging itself in our minds. 

How come that when we are not paying attention this may sometimes be better than if we are paying attention 'from the perspective of marketers'.

By repeated exposure of the advertising, it succeeds in making an impression on our minds, sometimes an even better impression than if we had been paying attention and scrutinizing the message. 

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Is the likability of the ad an important factor for high involvement products? 

No, we pay close attention to the message and based on that close attention we form brand beliefs. Based on these brand beliefs we will buy the product, despite an annoying or unlikable ad. 

What are important factors for high involvement products relating to ads?

The message content and the resulting brand beliefs, because based on these beliefs we buy the product, despite the likability of an ad. 

Is the attitude towards the ad important for low involvement products?

Yes, brand beliefs are hardly there, the ad can play a major role in creating brand attitude. So low involvement product adsshould be likable, interesting and entertaining. 

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