Attitudes - Four functions of attitude

4 important questions on Attitudes - Four functions of attitude

What is the overall function of attitudes?

They guide our approach/avoidance behavior. 

Explain Katz' theory: functional theory of attitude

People hold certain attitudes (or acquire those attitudes) because these serve one or more of the following four deeper functions:
- Utilitarian: attitude object serves some utility
- Value expressive: attitude object expresses one's values
- Knowledge: attitude object reduces uncertainty; gives us the comfort of knowing
- Ego-defensive: attitude object helps us to protect our ego (self-esteem)

Why do we go to our familiar supermarkets, familiar restaurants, etc.?

Because of the knowledge function of Katz' functional theory of attitude

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Why is it important to know the function of an attitude?

If we want to change a consumer's attitude toward something, we need to address the deeper function it serves for that consumer. Telling a consumer how good the product's ingredients are (explaining the utilitarian function) would not help if the basic reason the consumer dislikes the product is of the company's exploitation of child labor (value-expressive function). 

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