Attitudes - Multi-attribute models of attitude and behavior: tova, tora, tota

5 important questions on Attitudes - Multi-attribute models of attitude and behavior: tova, tora, tota

What do multi-attribute models attitude suggest?

That overall attitude is based on the component beliefs about the object, weighted by the evaluation of those beliefs. 

What are the three models of multi-attribute models of attitude?

- TOVA: Theory of Value Assessment
- TORA: Theory of Reasoned Action -> most commonly used by marketers. 
- TOTA: Theory of Trying to Achieve

Explain theory of reasoned action.


Our attitude towards an object is based on the consequences the object has, weighted by the desirability or undesirability of these consequences. 

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What is Fishbein's extended model of behavior?

It accounts for social normative pressure as well as one's own internal beliefs about the consequences of a particular behavior, e.g. buying a specific brand of car. 


- Brand beliefs & Belief evaluations form brand attitude. 
- Normative beliefs & Norm evaluations form subjective norm. 
- Brand attitude & Subjective norm create behavioral attention --> Behavior. 

Are our brand beliefs equally important to us?

No they are not. So you need to combine these diverse beliefs to form an attitude. 

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