Learning - Four models of consumer learning - Classical conditioning

3 important questions on Learning - Four models of consumer learning - Classical conditioning

Explain classical conditioning. Give a definition. 

A process of learning by an extension of a pre-existing response from one stimulus onto another stimulus, through exposure to the two stimuli simultaneously. 
Remember Pavlov's dog (salivating was a pre-existing response, first only when he received food and bell rang simultaneously, later when bell rang he already salivated). 

Explain classical conditioning with regard to marketing advertisements. 

If consumers see a new product or brand with a rugged terrain, then they come to perceive that brand as rugged and masculine. 

If consumers see a new product or brand in a setting with soft colors and silky textures, then they come to perceive that brand as delicate and feminine. 

What is essential for classical conditioning to work? 

Constant pairing. The brand should be constantly paired with a desirable setting or with another desirable stimulus. Think of color, look and feel of the ad, scenery, music, event being depicted. 

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