Persuasion - Appeal types

6 important questions on Persuasion - Appeal types

What are the main types of appeals?

- Emotional versus rational
- Humor
- Fear
- Sexual
- Two-sided versus one-sided
- Comparative versus non-comparative

How can you counteract the tendency of consumers to dismiss a negative-consequence by rationalizing 'it won't happen to me'.

An ad should not only show the risk consequences but also the risk probability. 

What is the difference between one-sided and two-sided messages?

Two-sided messages present both the merits and the demerits of the product/brand/issue. One-sided only the merits. 

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Why do two-sided messages work as well because of immunization/inoculation?

By admitting the negative aspect beforehand, the brand is prepping you, the consumer, for an imminent accusation by the competing brands. This is inoculation theory. 

What is the difference between direct comparative advertising and non-direct comparative advertising.

In the direct version, the advertiser names a specific competitior. In the indirect version, the brand simply mentions competitors as a group 'compare with leading brands'. 

When does direct-comparison advertising works best?

For utilitarian products with objectively measurable and demonstrable features.

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