Culture - Crossing cultures: marketing blunders

3 important questions on Culture - Crossing cultures: marketing blunders

How can a marketer avoid being 'lost in translation' when translating brand names or messages?

Use back-translation, a method in which foreign translation is translated back into the orignal language by a different person. The back-translated version is then compared with the original version. 

How can a marketer avoid the marketing blunders when crossing cultures?


To market your product to consumers of a foreign cultures, number one priority should be to adapt your product to suit the local culture. Have a local culture guide check all your marketing communications. Avoid sending a salesperson who is highly ethnocentric. 

What is consumer ethnocentrism?

Consumers view the buying of foregin goods as unpatriotic. Consumers take pride in buying domestically and in helping your nation in that way. 

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