Motivation - Researching connsumer motives

5 important questions on Motivation - Researching connsumer motives

What is motivation research?

Research directed at discovering the motives for a person's behavior - reasons of which the consumer is either unaware or is unwilling to admit to in direct questioning. 

What kind of techniques uses motivation research?

Techniques that are disguised and non-structured:
- Disguised: consumers are not able to figure out that you are trying to find out their deep motives. 
- Non-structured: answers are not prestructured; rather, consumers is encouraged to say whatever comes to mind. 

What is a general characteristic of the techniques used in motivation research?

The respondent is given vague and open-ended stimulus and is then asked to interpret that stimulus. Since the stimulus is vague, interpreting it requires that the consumer 'project' himself or herself into the stimulus situation. 

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How are the techniques called that are used in motivation research?

Projection techniques, from self-projections of consumers, the researcher is able to infer each consumer's motives for a particular marketplace behavior. 

Name four types of projection techniques and explain them. 

- Third-person question phrasing, consumers project their own motives onto other consumers and reveal their own motives. 
- Word association: quickly say the word that comes to mind when we say the following word(s). 
- Sentence completion: consumer is presented with an incomplete sentence and asked to fill in the blank. 

- Story completion: most common form is Thematic Apperception Test (TAT), which consists of a series of ambiguous pictures shown to the consumer. Consumer is asked to describe the story of which the picture is a part. Another variation involves asking consumers to fill in a blurb in a cartoon. 


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