Motivation - Consumer emotions

4 important questions on Motivation - Consumer emotions

Psychologist Plutchik has proposed that all human emotions can be summarized into eight types. Each can vary in intensity.

Fear, anger, joy, sadness, acceptance, disgust, anticipation, surprise. 

Brands bring emotions, a number of examples are in the book. What happens to the brands when doing that?

These brands are given a human face, e.g. romantic love, family love, human connection, joys of everyday life. 

How do you measure emotions? There are two general ways, name these. 

- Verbal ratings
- Picture matching

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What is the problem of verbal ratings as a method of measuring emotions?

Most of our emotional communication is nonverbal, we cannot put it in words. instead we show and communicate emotions through gestures and facial expressions. Picture matching capitalizes this. 

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