Attitudes - The ABC model of attitude

7 important questions on Attitudes - The ABC model of attitude

What are the three components of the ABC model?

Affect: feelings or emotions
Beliefs: thoughts or cognitions 
Conation: action intent

What are beliefs (as part of the ABC model of attitude)

Beliefs are knowledge about a person or product, appraisals of a person;s qualifications or a brand's features.

Statements of belief connect an object (person, brand, store) to an attribute or benefit. 

What is a  brand belief?

A thought about a specific property or quality of the brand. 

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Are claims of the marketers regarding a particular feature or quality corresponding to the consumer's brand beliefs? 

No, due to personal trial experience or misperceptions, a consumer's brand beliefs could be exactly the opposite of the marketer's claims. 

Are beliefs (thinking) always necessary to form attitudes?

No, rather, feelings or emotions can also account for attitudes in some situations. For example we dislike monkey brains but we have never tasted them. 

Why do feelings most of the time occur even before we initiate thinking and form beliefs?

Because feelings can and often do arise automatically, whereas thinking (belief formation) takes conscious effort. 

Why do feelings arise automatically?

Because we have been conditioned to experience various feelings upon exposure to various attributes of a product. 

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