Attitudes - Hierarchies in attitude

4 important questions on Attitudes - Hierarchies in attitude

What is attitude hierarchy?

The sequence in which the three components of attitude (affect, beliefs, conation) occur.

What are the three different types of hierarchy?

- Learning hierarchy
- Emotional hierarchy
- Low-involvement hierarchy

Which element of attitude comes first in the case of a low involvement product selection and consumption, e.g. picking a can of soda in a vending machine. 

Action, then the feelings follow and then lastly the cognitions/thoughts. 

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How do the three components of attitude co-exist?

They exist in harmony as they always imply one another. Consumers cannot harbor a set of thoughts and beliefs about a brand without bringing into line their feelings about it. Nor can they harbor some feeling about the brand without also bringing brand beliefs into line. Likewise, a consumer cannot have thoughts or feelings and not have a corresponding action to act and vice versa. 

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