Motivation - Consumer involvement

8 important questions on Motivation - Consumer involvement

What is enduring involvement?

Degree of interest a consumer feels in a product or service on an ongoing basis. 

What is the extreme form of enduring involvement?

Deep involvement. 

What is consumption -situation involvement?

This is the interest we experience in the usage situation, e.g. consuming wine at home unconcerned about the public image of the wine brand, versus consuming wine in company, concerned about the impressions you might make consuming a particular brand of wine. 

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What are two forms of situational involvement?

- Purchase decision involvement
- Consumption-situation involvement

Explain the linkage between involvement and motivation. 

Involvement acts as a 'master switch' that turns our motivation on or off. No involvement, no motivation. Low involvement, low motivation. High involvement, high motivation. Enduring involvement, perpetual motivation. Situational motivation: we are motivated when the right situation arises. 

What is deep involvement?

Consumer's extreme interest in a product or activity on an ongoing basis. 

Why is deep involvement important to study?

It is a window on a consumer's key motivations and emotions. People are fanatical about the things they care about. 

What is situational involvement?

Degree of interest in an object in a specific situation or on a specific occasion. 

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