Culture - Cultural practices, rituals, customs and myths

5 important questions on Culture - Cultural practices, rituals, customs and myths

What is an example of a ritual and its marketing implication?

Rituals at a wedding in western cultures. 

Lot of consumption at weddings. 

What is an example of a custom in Japan en its marketing implication.

Wearing of a kimono, nowadays the kimono-making industry is in decline, illustrating the power of customs in dictating consumption behavior. Custom can stard and sustain a whole industry; its decline and demise can banish it. 

What is an example of a myth and its marketing implication?


Myth of Snata Claus, now Christmas is booming for retail business. 

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What are the deeper functions of ritualistic cultural practices (rituals, customs, myths)?

- Achieving sacredness

- Value inculcation
- Meaning communication (wearing black when mourning)

Why are rituals, customs and myths important for marketers?

They entail consumption of products and services. 

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