Motivation - Consumer moods

4 important questions on Motivation - Consumer moods

Are you always aware of your emotions or moods?

Always aware of emotions, not always aware of moods. 

When we are aware of our moods, they act as an active driver, a motivational force. Moods make us act in the marketplace, and can be grouped into two categories

- Response to market stimuli: consumers linger longer in positive-mood environments. Good moods make us respond positively to market stimuli, bad moods make us respond negatively. 

- Situational consumption choices: both negative and positive moods produce self-gratification-oriented consumption. Consumption experience is more positive when we are in a good mood, and more negative when we are in a bad mood. 

Moods are induced in two ways:

- Internal autistic thinking: when you recall some past incident or fantasize about some future event
- Exposure to external stimuli: you see candy and you instantly feel in the mood to eat some candy. 

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What are marketing stimuli to induce the right mood in the consumer?

- Ambiance of the store
- Demeanor of the salesperson
- Sensory features of the product
- Tone and manner of the advertisement
- Content of the message
- Product packaging or the display of the product itself

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