Decisions - The consumer decision process - Step 1: Problem recognition

8 important questions on Decisions - The consumer decision process - Step 1: Problem recognition

Two types of causes to recognize problems as consumers

- Internal stimuli: perceived states of discomfort arising from something inside you (physical or psychological condition). 
- External stimuli: sources of information you see outside - in the marketplace and on the street. 

External stimuli come in two forms

- Problem stimuli: the problem itself is the source of information, e.g. sight of dirty laundry or a burnt-out light bulb. 
- Solution stimuli: information emanating from a solution itself, e.g. exposure to a new style of a dress in a store makes consumer realize it will come in handy for an upcoming party. 

How is problem recognition caused by an external solution stimulus also called?

Opportunity recognition. 

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Four avenues for problem recognition

1) Stock depletion
2) Life stage changes
3) Developing new tastes
4) Encounter with new technology/new products

Marketers bring consumers value with problem recognition in two ways:

- To bring solutions to the problems consumers have recognized
- To help the consumer recognize a problem, they otherwise may not (invisible problems)

How can marketers overcome the gap of invisible problems?

By educational communication such as health education. Artful communications that bring the distant risk or future need into the consumers' visual field also help. 

What is secondary demand creation?

Getting product users to switch to their brand - increase market share. 

What is primary demand creation?

Creating problem recognition converts nonusers into users (or infrequent users into more frequent users), thus expanding the total market size .

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