Lecture slides

12 important questions on Lecture slides

Why should you care about neuromarketing?

It can give insight into unconscious influences of consumer responses by providing unbiased measurements of neurological and physiological reactions to stimuli

Is neuromarketing research effective?

Yes, particularly when used in combination with traditional measures

What measures are marketers in neuroscience interested in?

  • Attention
  • Memory
  • Emotions
  • Liking & wanting
  • Higher grades + faster learning
  • Never study anything twice
  • 100% sure, 100% understanding
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What type of physiological measures can we use?

Eye-movements, biometrics, facial expressions, sweating etc.

How does eye-tracking work?

Eye-trackers measure attention and involvement with stimuli based on gaze-tracking done by a special camera and infrared light.

How do we capture facial expressions?

We can use EMG or AFC

What is skin conductance?

Measures electrical skin resistance by sensing traces of sweat, i.e., arousal

What is the Tuskegee study?

A highly unethical study that investigated the natural progression of Syphilis and led to the creation of the Belmont Report

What is the Belmont Report?

The first set of formal guidelines for studying human subjects

What is research integrity?

The active adherence to the ethical principles and professional standards essential for the responsible practice of research

What are the main threats to research integrity?

Fraud, QRPs, plagiarism, conflicts of interest, personal biases and values

How can we decrease the likelihood of research misconduct?

Pre-registration, open data sharing, replication

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