The people factor I: fostering creativity within organizations

10 important questions on The people factor I: fostering creativity within organizations

What is the most critical element for succesful corporate entrepeneurship?

the individual champion or corporate entrepeneur

Descibe the five stage model for creative answers

aha moment
eureka moment

What is the essence in creative blocks?

he is arguing that employees are more likely to come up with breakthrough ideas if they look for multiple solutions, are illogical and impractical, break existing rules are playfull adn not worried about looking foolish, embrace ambiguity and recognize failure is a sign of process
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What are the sources of these blocks?

own perception
employees say: it is not your job
the workplace

For judging a creative process which standards should you consider?

overt benefit: does it add value
reason to believe: it it really gonna add that value
dramatic difference: is it really different compared to current products

What does entrepeneurship require from its employee?

to take ownership of creative ideas and assume responsibility for its implementation

Before acting on an idea, what does the entrepeneur take into account?

the outcome the same as she will expect
relationship between approach and implementation

Describe conceptualization and implementation from an employee point of view

conceptualization is dreaming and implementation is doing

What are the differences between a start up and a corporate entrepeneur?

start up are more willing to take risks

What are the key players in corporate entepeneurship?

initiator ( triggers a new entrepeneurial event)
champion ( takes the lead in driving and directing the project)
supporter ( augments the team, playing a secondary role)
reactor( plays a role of devils advocate, what are the flaws)

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