Exploring the dimensions of entrepeneurship

15 important questions on Exploring the dimensions of entrepeneurship

With which question can you explain a companies innovativeness?

to what extent si the company doing things that are novel, unique or different

What kinds of innovation are there?

new and/or improved services
finding new and better ways to accomplish a task or function

What is one of the greater challenges companies in the 21st century face?

the abilility to retain and attract high-quility employees
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Is maximizing innovation succes rate more important than minimizing the cost of innovation failures?


Explain the tendency "if it aint broke, why fix it"?

managers focus their efforts on maximizing the succes of proven products in the face of immediate threat.

Name a dillemma in innovativeness?

succesfull innovativeness often occurs when there is pressure and deadlines

What was the result of the best practices survey?

the result indicated a tendency to have a formal innovation strategy, rely heavily on cross-functional teams, and use the formal criteria to measure new product performance

In 2009, further research was done on the best practices survey. the difference between the best and the rest. name these three differences

the best have their new product development efforts guided by a formal new product strategy
the best is twice as likely to pursue a first to market innovation
the best is more likely to have a higher percentage of radical and next generation innovation projects

What is a risk for companies that dont innovate

they get the chance ideas are being capatilized on by other companies

When is risk lower?

with a lot of trial and experiments

What is discontinues innovation?

a breakthrough innovation, microwave for example

What is continous innovation?

incremental step by step innovation, a light bulb that lasts 100 hours

Describe sinking the boat

an concept in a already well satisfied market or bad timing

Venkatraman suggests three ways in proactiviness. which ones

seeking new oppurtinities that may or not be related to the present line of operations
introducing new concepts and brands ahead of competition
strategically eliminating operations that are in the mature of declining stages of the life cycle

What is the degree of entrepeneurship ?

degree of innovativiness + degree of risk taking + degree of proactiviness

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