Corporate strategy and entrepeneurship
11 important questions on Corporate strategy and entrepeneurship
What are strategic infliction points?
Is the dominant logic Always optimal?
Describe strategic management
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What does strategic management impy?
The key to the portfolio approach is balance accros projects. accros which do you balance this?
discontinious vs continious innovation
short and long term projects
products for new and existing markets
products with new technology and existing ones
What is the essence of the portfolio?
Define some elements of technology strategy
pioneer or follower
level or r and d funding
product driven or market driven
What is the principal lesson of fusfelds model?
Describe perfection syndrome
Describe market pull approach and its limitation
the foremost limitation is the often mistaking assumption that customers know their needs and can describe them in a way that results in new products
Give some examples of fatal flaws
no real competitve advantage
pursuing an unsustainable competitve position
compromising strategy for growth
failure to explicity communicate strategy internally
The question on the page originate from the summary of the following study material:
- A unique study and practice tool
- Never study anything twice again
- Get the grades you hope for
- 100% sure, 100% understanding
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