Structuring the company for entrepeneurship - Types of structures: links to an entrepeneurial strategy

6 important questions on Structuring the company for entrepeneurship - Types of structures: links to an entrepeneurial strategy

Describe machine bureaucracy

a mechanistic adn rigid structure in which coordination of tasks is achieved through standardization of work

Describe the divisional structure

self contained profit centers exist for producing and marketing different product lines or groups

Which structures are most likely to be innovative?

simple and divisional
last is machine bureaucracy
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Is the division structure more likely to have incremental improvements across a product line?


Describe a boundaryless organization

the idea is to take people out of boxes and eliminate artificial barriers that slow things down and create pockets of resistance to change. boundaries are eliminated both within the organization and between the organization and key outside players

What are the major external boundary-related changes in companies?

the outsourcing of key functions
greater use of strategic alliances
reduction in how diversified companies are

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