I&R M Portfolio tools

9 important questions on I&R M Portfolio tools

What are the four main tools for Risk management?

  • Investment choices
  • financing choices
  • insurance
  • financial derivatives

What is meant with the risk management tool "investment choices":

By investing in different assets or businesses, across the world (Geographical regions), a firm bay be able to get at least partial hedging against some types of risk.

What is meant with the risk management tool " Financing choices?:

Matching the cash flows on financing to the cash flows on assets can also mitigate exposure to risk. For example, using $ debt to fund $ assets can reduce $ risk exposure.
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What is meant with the risk management tool "Insurance":

Buying insurance can provide protection against some types of risk. (In effect, the firm shifts the risk to the insurance company in return for a payment)

What is meant with the risk management tool "Financial derivatives":

Using financial contracts to hedge risk exposure. For example futures.

Why is financial risk management important?

  • Ensure sufficient cash flow to make sure planned investments can be done.
  • Prevent firms getting into financial difficulties (Reduce the costs of financial distress)
  • Reduce the average tax payment (By reducing profits in good years and increasing these in bad years.

When are the Standard deviation and/or variance appropriate measures?

If an investor's portfolio is composed of only that security.

What measure is appropriate when an investor hold many securities and forms a portfolio?

In this case, Covariance items among securities play a more important role than variances of securities.

What does the mean standard deviation diagram show?

The relation between the correlation of the assets. On the X-axis, the standard deviation of return is shown. On the Y-axis, the mean return is shown.

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