Approaches to environmentally improved production - A bird's eye view of a variety of practical approaches
18 important questions on Approaches to environmentally improved production - A bird's eye view of a variety of practical approaches
By what are production and consumption always contrained?
What is a resource cascade?
What are factor X technologies?
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What is the relation between energy and exergy?
What is industrial ecology?
What are eco-industrial parks?
Describe 'cleaner production' in different words.
What is the basic idea behind cleaner production?
What are chemical management services?
What do eco-efficient product services focus on?
Describe the concept of eco-efficiency as a strategy.
What is toxics reduction?
Give three reason why it is in the industry's interest to focus on making production safer.
There is no production for a period, leading to loss of company income.
Public relations may be severely harmed, causing problems with obtaining new permits and so on.
What are closed-loop supply systems?
What is life cycle management?
What are the different focusses on in Design for Environment (DfE)?
What are end-of-pipe technologies?
What is pinch analysis?
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