Criminological theory

6 important questions on Criminological theory

Block 2 arguments are connected trough 4 points

  1. Pathological: presenting criminals as different from non criminals in some way
  2. differentiation: criminal and non criminal can be seperated
  3. determinism: influences on behaviours that are beyond control of offenders, biological and or psychogical in nature.
  4. treatment/rehabilitation: means of dealing with pathology must be considered.

Sociological and social postivism

Behaviours are linked to social processes.

Cultural transmission & Differential association

Where social control processes are weak, crime occurs
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Black, asian and minority ethnic groups (BAME)

Are disproportionately targeted by criminal justice processes and disproportionately victimised

Farrington - ICAP (integrated cognitive antisocial potential)

Block 5. Real life course analysis and cultural criminology which brings together a range of social factors. Risk factors in relation to cognitive processes

Moffitt - Life corse persistent/adolescent limited theory

Considers why much offending occurs relatively early on in life whereas for most offending stops once they enter adulthood.

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