Crop Science

17 important questions on Crop Science

Annual crop planted with a perennial crop to aid in the establishment of the perennial

companion crop

-crop grown but not harvested
-plowed under to improve the soil

Green Manure Crop

Crop planted after another crop was lost due to some disaster or after harvested

catch crop
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-Brazil nuts
-Native pasture

Wild (non-cultivated)

-small grains
-some legumes

Cool Season Crops

-one generation/year
-reproduce via seed
-most crop species

Annual Plants

-one generation/two years
-first year is plant growth

Biennial Plants

-one generation occurs for several years
-reproduces by: seed & vegetative structures

Perennial Plants

Developed by Carl Linnaeus

Binomial Classification System

-commonly known as conifers
-naked seed (no seed coat)
-mostly soft wooded tree

Gymnosperm Characteristics

-commonly known as flowering plants
-seed with ovary wall (seed coat)
-produce flowers

Angiosperm Characteristics

What do grazers eat?

monocot plants (grasses)

What do browsers eat?

dicot plants (browse)

-varieties that have been handed down for generations
-generally regional

Heirloom Variety

Varieties, heirloom and cultivars

-low genetic diversity
-maintain characteristics though generations

A collection of genetic resources


A collection of plant materials from a particular location


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