Cultural Differences (Hall)

7 important questions on Cultural Differences (Hall)

What is the difference between monochronic and polychronic time?

High context countries often use polychronic culture. Relationship oriented, interruptions are fine, multi-tasking, time is spatial. Make plans and change them
Low context countries often use monochronic culture. Time is linear and you can't waste it. Doing one thing at the time. Tast-oriented. Make plans and keep them.

Personal space also included to describe another culture, how is it distinguished?

Low context countries like a quite large personal space. High context countries have a smaller personal space. It's basic assumption that we learned at young age and take it for granted. Cultural difference.

What is the difference between fast and slow messages?

Fast messages can be decoded very quickly. Like, text-messages, headlines.

Slow messages take a longer time for the  receiver to decode. Like, poetry or art.

A fast message in one culture needs to be slow in another, or it won't be received correctly.
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Difference between fast and slow information flow?

Messages can reach its target faster because it's unrestricted. But it can also reach slower due to culture barriers.

Slow information flow: low context countries -> people prefer information to remain within departments. In case of exchange, its done by networking events.

High information flow -> high context countries -> information moves freely.

What is an action chain (last dimension)

The sequence of events in which people work together to achieve a goal. These sequences can be so generally accepted in our culture that we don't even notice. In case of different cultures, the action chains (e.g. Enrolling for a university) are different and we tend to blame the other culture. But you should ask what their action chain is instead of blaming them

Low context countries conclusion?

  • Direct, explicit, literal messages
  • Monochronic
  • Large personal space
    • Slow information flow

High context countries conclusion?

  • Indirect, coded, unstructured messages
  • Polychronic
  • Small personal space
  • Fast information flow

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