Dimensions of culture (hofstede)

11 important questions on Dimensions of culture (hofstede)

Geert Hofstede identified six areas in which national cultures are different. He calls them the six dimensions of culture:

  1. Power distance
  2. Individualism and collectivism
  3. Masculinity vs feminity
  4. Uncertainty avoidance
  5. Confucian dynanism or long term orientation
  6. Indulgenge and restraint

What is the power distance dimension ?

It's the degree in which the less powerufl members of an organization accept that power is distributed unequally.

What happens in low power distance countries?

The inequality is not accepted. We in the Netherlands want to be equal, we just call our parents mommy and daddy and are quite at the same level. Other low power distance countries are Germany, Scandinavia, English speaking countries and Israel.
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What happens in high-power distance countries?

People accept that their superiors have more power. In Belgium, you don't argue with your parents or teachers. No discussion. Superiors are treated very respectfully. Like asia, africa, latin america.

What is the difference between individual societies and collective societies?

Within individualism you're mainly responsible for yourself and your direct family. Independence is valueable, you speak yourmind and does the best work when individualistic.

With collectivsm, you're part of close groups since birth. The groups provide protection in return for loyalty. Big families, we-oriented. Caring for group members is valuable.

What are high uncertainty avoidance countries ?

Countries where children grow up surrounded by strict rules. They learn that uncertainty is a threat and need clear boundaries of what is wrong or right. Mostly latin countries, Central Europe and Mediterranean.

What are low uncertainty avoidance countries?

Are used to flexible rules and living life as it comes. They interpret creatively. Changing employees is quite normal. Like Asia, Africa.

What is Confucian Dynanism?

In these countries people learn to achieve fast results and spend money. Success and failure are often seen as luck. Free time is important. English speaking countries and Germany.

What are long term oriented countries?

People learn that saving leads to results, so being frugal with moeny. Work hard at school, if you fail you haven't worked enough. High values are self-discipline and responsibility. Countries like Asia, and Latin. NL is medium just like other EU countries.

How do you define indulgent societies ?

These allow free gratification of basic and natural human drives related to enjoying life and having fun. Think of leisure, being with friends, spending money.

How do you define restraint societies?

Opposite of indulgent. Pleasure is controlled, even as freedom of speech and high presence of police in society.

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