Growth process in Intercultural Sensitivity

9 important questions on Growth process in Intercultural Sensitivity

What model did Janet and Milton Bennett come up with?

Development Model of Intercultural Sensitivity. (DMIS)

How are the first three stages called?

Ethnocentric. Using your own cultural frame as reference point.

How are the last three stages called?

Ethnorelative. Able to place your own culture within the contest of other cultures.
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What is the process of the 6 stages?

  1. Denial
  2. Defence
  3. Minimization
  4. Acceptance
  5. Adaptation
  6. Integration

Explain the defence stage in DMIS

I defend my home culture because I lose my bearings otherwise. My culture is the best culture. It's 'us' against 'them'

Explain the minimization stage in DMIS

I minimize differences and focus on what brings me similar to others. Our norms and values are universal, I judge other people's behaviour according to our norms. I want to teach them how to behave.

Explain the acceptance stage in DMIS

I am aware of and accept diverse cultural perception. Differences are new solutions or ideas, a positive thing.

Explain the adaptation stage in DMIS

I adapt my reasoning and actions to another culture. I place myself in their norms and values. I feel and behave in a cultural professional way.

Explain the integration stage in DMIS

I develop a feeling of membership in my new culture. I practise multiple frames of reference.

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