Basic Assumptions (Kluckhohn)

5 important questions on Basic Assumptions (Kluckhohn)

What is the starting point of Kluckhohn?

All people, all over the world, and throughout the ages, have had to deal with a number of problems to survive.

What are the six problems?

  1. Dominating,in harmony with or subjugated to nature
  2. Past, present and future orientation
  3. Doing or being cultures: task or relation orientation
  4. Individualism and collectivism
  5. Is space private or public?
  6. Human nature

What are past-oriented societies?

People evaluate plans according to how well they fit with their traditions / history
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Difference between individualism and collectivsm?

Individual oriented culture the independence is valued. Just as personal achievements and your own welfare. Depending on other is a sign of immaturity. Nl, Germany and USA

Collective societies have a sense of belonging   and responsibility to a group is valued. It's we-oriented. Individual is egoistic.

Also part of Kluckhohn, is space private or public?

Your own rooms, desk and car is important in northern europe and america. They value private space. In asisa more space is public, everything is shared and open.

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