Introduction to Objective C(con't)
12 important questions on Introduction to Objective C(con't)
What does lazy instantiation mean?
When you alloc init, what happens to the properties?
Can local variables contain "garbage" when you don't set them to nil?
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Do classnames start with lower or upper case?
How does a instance method declaration looks like with no arguments and no return type?
What must be done when we use an "unknown" class in our header or implementation file?
Do we need to put parentheses around the type in a method?
When a pointer is 0, how do we call this?
When we create a getter for a property , and its name is "card" of type NSString, how would it look like?
What does this line of code do: self.card[index] (cards is an NSArray)
What happens when we call objectAtIndexedSubscript: with zero as an argument, or an send it to an empty array?
What does UIKit, and where do we need it for?
The question on the page originate from the summary of the following study material:
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- 100% sure, 100% understanding