Scroll View and Table View - Scroll View

4 important questions on Scroll View and Table View - Scroll View

Whats the fundamental "thing\' that must be set when you implement a scrollview (size)

The content size: scrollView.contentSize= ...;

How can you scroll to a certain point in the content area in code?

-(void) scrollRectToVisible:(CGRect) aRect animated:(BOOL) animated;

To implement zooming, what do you need to do?

1.Set min and max (property "minimumZoomScale" and "maximumZoomScale")
2.Set yourself as delegate (self.scrollView.delegate = self), and "promise" to be the delegate using the angle brackets <UIScrollViewDelegate>
3. Implement delegate protocol method -(UIView *)viewForZoomingInScrollView:(UIScrollView *)sender;

You then return the view that will be scaled, you can not scale them all at once!
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When prepareforsegue is called, are the destinations properties loaded?

NO, this is very important!

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