Objective C - Card matching game

7 important questions on Objective C - Card matching game

Does an array contain strong or weak pointers to its object?

The pointers in the array point strongly to its objects!, as long as the array exists, the object pointed to will also.

Does an IBOutlet properties setter gets called automaticly ?

Yes, but i dont know when yet :)

If you have an init that you must call to make your class work, how is it called?

Designated initializer
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How can you "Tell" objective C that this is your designated initializer?

You can,t! Only by a comment so other users of your class know!

What is the first line of code in a designated initializer?

self = [super init]

Is it a good idea to have a property of the model in your controller?

Yes, its very common, how would you "talk" to it otherwise?

What is a "Class Extension"?

An area in the implementation where we put private properties.

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