Collection view and protocols - Collection View

7 important questions on Collection view and protocols - Collection View

What does a UICollectionView do?

It "lays out" little boxes with something in it, usually a custom view. There are as many "boxes" as the model provides.

What determines the layout of the UICollectionView?

Its layout object. iOS has only 1 "pre fabled" layout, called UICollectionViewFlowLayout

How does the FlowLayout lays out the boxes?

Like text, left to right and begins scrolling, when there's not enough space. 
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What is a UICollectionViewCell?

Its whats in the "little box" in a collection view. It is actually a view itself, with a property "contentView". This property holds the view which is in the Cell.

How can you set the controller as dataSource for the UICollectionView?

1: control-drag from the collection view to the controller in the storieboard. can do it in code:

We can do this using the controllers UICollectionViews outlet setter:

-(void)setCardCollectionView:(UICollectionView *)cardCollectionView
    _cardCollectionView = cardCollectionView;
    _cardCollectionView.dataSource = self;
    _cardCollectionView.delegate = self;

Which datasource protocol method do you implement to "tell" how many little boxes there are in a collection view?

-(NSInteger)collectionView: (UICollectionView *) asker numberOfItemsInSection:(NSInteger)section
  return numberOfBoxes;

What is a NSIndexPath object?

Its an object with an item property and a section property

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